Jesus told his disciples: “Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it” (Mt 16: 25). The noun life translates the Greek word psyché. The psyché was like a central processing unit: a command center for vital breath, that is, the impulse underlying any activity and function of the entire organism. So, Jesus is not asking us to physical die, but to let go our command center. This way, we will receive the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus' breath (Jn 20: 22).
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I wrote the book primarily for the clergy. My aim was to examine three interrelated issues: God's face, the Catholic ban on female priests and the revelation of God's children. The book hasn't been translated into English yet. But here are some excerpts for you.
God's face: The claim is made that Chirst's face is genderless because God has no gender. Building on Saint Paul, I then argue that Christ's risen flesh, his glorious person, accomodates both man and women, the bride and the groom, for these are - in effect - one.
As it is in marital unions, so it is for Christ's Holy wedding: the man/head/key/king and the woman/body/gate/kingdom become one flesh. Glorious Christ in Heaven, their divine and human person is, no doubt about that, genderless.
Ban on ordaining women priests: The claim is made that women have been assessed as unfit for traditional hebrew, orthodx and catholic priesthood roles because their role is linked to the coming of God's eternal tent. Female ministry consists in sheding on people the spiritual power that male ministry has been managing and keeping secret up till now.
Women are the symbol of the glory of Jerusalem, the Holy City. Their specific ministry is to reveal the woman from above to the world. Once She is revealed, the veil is removed, and She can come down out of heaven as a bride (Ap 21: 2) ready to deliver and nurse "from her consoling breast" (Is 66: 11b) people renowed in the spirit of their mind (Eph 4: 23a).
The revelation of God's children: God's children are born from above. They are spiritual human beings. The Lamb has opened them 7 eyes lifting up thier 7 horns. What comes into play talking about horns and eyes is the full enactment and completion of Baptism, also "called enlightenment" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1216). Baptism signifies the burial of darkness and the immersion of believers into divine light. The sevenfold enlightenment on the part of the Lamb is explicated in terms of 7 gates or plexuses, and the 7 seals of the Book of Revelation assumed to match the Eastern philosophy notion of the seven chakras.
New life in Christ leads us to participate in the life of a complete man (Eph 4: 13b), that is, Chirst. It is the life of the spirits of the righteous made perfect (Hebr 12: 23b), and results from being born anew at each single gate. As it is written: "Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors!, that the King of glory may come in" (Ps 24: 7).